Samaritans – How Social media users experience self-harm and suicide content:
Managing self-harm and suicide content online PDF.
PASSHUB – Brief guidance and recommendations for responsible social media use in the aftermath of a suicide or suspected suicide:
Policy Report _ Social media and Suicide PDF
Policy Advice – Colleges, Universities and Student Unions – Social Media and Suicide
Policy Advice – Schools – Social Media and Suicide
Policy Advice – Community Groups, Youth Clubs and Charities – Social Media and Suicide
University of Hull: Policy Report: Suspected Suicide and Social Media PDF.
WHO: Preventing Suicide: A resource for media professionals PDF.
Further reading/references
Bailey, L., Bell, J., and Kennedy, D. (2014). Continuing social presence of the dead: Exploring Suicide Bereavement through Online Memorialisation. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia
Bell, J., and Bailey, L. (2017). ‘The use of Facebook in the aftermath of a suicide’ in Neiderkrotenthaler, T., and Stack, S. Suicide and the Media: International Perspectives on Research, Theory and Policy: Hogrefe Publishing.
Bell, J., Bailey, L., and Kennedy, D. (2015). “We do it to keep him alive”: Bereaved Individuals’ Experiences of Online Suicide Memorials and Continuing Bonds, Mortality. DOI:10.1080/13576275.2015.1083693.
Bell, J., Stanley, N., Mallon, S., and Manthorpe, J. (2015). Narratives of Suicide Contagion: Insights on processes and mechanisms from young people bereaved by suicide. Suicidology Online, 6, 1, 43-52.
Bell, J., and Westoby, C. (2021). Suicide Exposure in a Polymediated Age, Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1-11
Bell, J., and Westoby, C. (2022). Social Media Exposure in the Aftermath of a Suicide: Implications for Postvention. In Pompili, M (ed.). Suicide Risk Assessment and Prevention. Springer Publications.